Managing Diabetes, the Ayurveda Way

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when either the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or when the body doesn't utilize the insulin in the required amount that has been produced by the pancreas. It is a metabolic disease in which blood sugar level is high.
Effective diabetes management with Ayurvedic solutions. Explore diabetic syrup and Ayurvedic diabetes medicines for a holistic approach to health.
In Ayurveda, diabetes is denoted as Madhumeha, which in literal terms means sweet urine. Diabetes mellitus is denoted as Vata Prameha since it is caused by imbalance of vata dosha. Imbalance of kapha dosha causes Kapha Prameha or Diabetes insipidus.
In this blog, we will be discussing more about the symptoms, causes and Ayurvedic ways of treating and managing diabetes.
Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes
These are the early symptoms of diabetes:
- Tiredness
- Frequent urination
- Increased hunger
- Weight loss
- Excessive thirst
- Slow healing wounds
- Blurred vision
The extreme symptoms include lethargy and coma.
Many people don't recognize these signs as the symptoms of diabetes. There is no definite way other than undergoing blood tests to determine the blood glucose level.
Causes of Diabetes
The primary cause of diabetes as per Ayurveda are:
- Eating too much sweet food
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Family history
- Excessive consumption of kapha producing food
- Excessive sleep, especially during daytime
- Ethnic background
- Being overweight
Ayurvedic Ways to Treat Diabetes
In Ayurveda, diabetes is managed by medications, panchakarma, yoga and diet. Aside from medications, regulating your lifestyle and directing it towards a healthy direction may help manage the sugar levels efficiently.
Ayurveda advocates a multi-branched approach to treat diabetes. Herbal medicines, detoxification, dietary changes, and changes in lifestyle are the approaches followed by Ayurveda in management of diabetes.
Several herbs may help with Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. Other than various herbs, some fruits also have anti-diabetic properties and one of them is Noni fruit. Noni, which is botanically known as Morinda Citrifolia, is an evergreen tree with large leaves and yellow fruits.
The fruit of Noni has several health-profiting properties. Some studies have shown that Noni fruit juice helps in controlling blood sugar levels in two ways. Firstly, it acts as insulin itself and secondly, it prompts insulin storage by stimulating peripheral tissue sensitivity.
The anti-diabetic property found in Noni fruit is due to the presence of a compound called Proxeronine. This compound affects pancreatic cells and helps in its proper functioning.
Noni fruit juice regenerates and restores various organs and provide better health.
Other health benefits of Noni Fruit Juice include:
- Strong antioxidant
- Boosts immunity
- Helps in weight management
- Better bone and joint health
- Good for heart health
Do's And Don'ts in Diabetes Management
- Stay away from sedentary lifestyle
- Workout regularly
- Avoid sugary food or drinks
- Avoid fried, soft drinks and tuber vegetables
- Quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption
- Prefer whole grains than highly processed carbohydrates
- Avoid red meat as they induce inflammation
- Avoid or reduce milk products since they aggravate kapha dosha
Effective management of diabetes is vital for ensuring a healthy life. Staying active keeps good blood circulation and promotes proper secretion of insulin. Avoiding white sugar and processed carbohydrates helps in controlling sugar as well as helps in weight management. Having dinner early is the easiest way to reduce the sugar levels. Day sleep is strictly prohibited. It is better to hit the bed early rather than snoozing at the daytime.
Following these simple but effective ways help you in managing diabetes successfully.