Exercise and Diabetes: How Physical Activity Impacts Blood Sugar Levels

Don’t you think there’s no instance when your physician doesn’t recommend exercise? They suggest if you make exercise part of your daily life, several health issues will surely bid goodbye to you. What exercising does to your body; it betters your cardiac health, controls blood pressure, strengthens muscles, improves blood circulation, enhances mood, perfects skin, helps shed that extra pound around your tummy, and whatnot.
Talking about diabetes, exercise is the basis of managing diabetes. It does wonders for diabetics by controlling blood sugar levels to a greater extent, improving insulin sensitivity, and overall health. Ayurveda signifies how personalized physical movements can benefit individuals with diabetes. By viewing it through Ayurveda’s POV along with modern exercise science, one can understand how physical activity impacts blood sugar level.
How physical activity impacts blood sugar levels
Physical activities assist in controlling and managing type 1 and type 2 diabetes in various manners:
- Enhanced insulin sensitivity: Insulin plays a key role in cell growth and metabolism. Exercise assists in making the body cells more responsive to insulin, reducing insulin resistance and lowering blood sugar levels.
- Prevents blood sugar level spikes: During exercise, muscles utilize glucose for energy, enabling better regulation of blood sugar levels.
- Manages weight: The studies indicate moderate-intensity exercise increases glucose uptake by around 40%. Interdisciplinary research suggested that a low-calorie diabetes diet with high physical activity levels reduced blood sugar levels significantly. Obesity deters the effectivenesstreatment of diabetes.
- Good for heart health: Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of heart problems. Exercise increases heart rate and augments heart muscle strength, improving blood circulation and oxygenation in the body.
What type of exercise is beneficial for diabetics?
- Aerobic exercises like cycling, running, walking, dancing, and swimming fortify the heart and the lungs besides the body muscles.
- Strength training exercises like weightlifting, squats, plank, pushups, and many yoga poses.
- Flexibility exercises include yoga where you do stretch exercises such as leg stretches, chest and shoulder stretches, and many yoga poses like cat-cow, uttanasana, and butterfly poses.
Ayurvedic view on diabetes
In ayurveda, every ailment is the result of the instability of bodily doshas. Diabetes or Madhumeha, as it is known in ayurveda, comes under metabolic disorders and is deemed to be caused by vitiation of kapha and vata.
Ayurveda highlights the importance of managing diabetes by adjusting diet, lifestyle, and natural therapies, and herbal medicines. Exercise or Vyayama has a key role in the ayurvedic management of diabetes.
Vyayama helps in balancing doshas, especially kapha. Kapha relates to weight gain and metabolic delays. It also calms vata.
Exercising improves digestive fire, which is essential in the process of digestion, absorption, and removal of toxins (ama) that may worsen diabetes.
Physical activities better blood circulation and aid in the supply of nutrients and removal of ama, enhancing overall wellness.
Ayurvedic tips to control diabetes with physical activity
Ayurveda suggests the choice of exercise should be made according to one’s body constitution. People with a Kapha constitution can go for vigorous activities such as high-intensity exercises or yoga asanas. Moderate exercises swimming and moderate-intensity yoga poses work well for pitta types. Vata constitution benefits from mild flexibility exercises or light yoga poses.
The body benefits from exercise when it is practiced between the time 6 to 10 in the morning and 6 to 10 in the evening.
Consistency and discipline are pivotal in Ayurveda. A regular workout is better than intermittent intense workouts.
The calmness of mind and a peaceful life enhance everyone’s quality of life whether healthy or diabetic.
Yoga and Diabetes Management
A controlled clinical trial that was undertaken on prisoners with new-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus, showed that those who underwent yoga practice regularly for 3 months had better control over their blood sugar levels than those who didn’t exercise.
Some yoga poses such as dhanurasan, matsyendrasan, and pashimottanasana, improve digestion and boost pancreatic function.
Pranayam or breathing exercises increase oxygenation, balance bodily doshas, and increase calmness of mind. Meditation manages stress, which is known to be the main cause of diabetes.
Herbal Diabetes Medicines and Herbal Diabetes Syrup
Noni D-Care
Sealed with the goodness of noni fruits, Noni D-Care is an herbal diabetes syrup that strengthens vital body organs including the pancreas and liver. It relieves stress and controls blood pressure, perfecting heart health. It enhances nerve, joint, and bone health, and regulates hormonal imbalances, furthering overall health. Noni D-Care is Syrup for diabetics aids in boosting immunity making it also a perfect herbal immunity booster syrup.
It is the best approach to manage diabetes combining ayurveda with modern-day exercise science. Exercises based on individual constitution not only aid in controlling blood sugar levels but also improve stamina and overall health.
It requires a mutual balance between body, mind, and spirit to lead a better and healthy life; as Nelson Mandela once said, “Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind."