Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Prevented: 5 Lifestyle Changes to Lower Your Risk

India has earned the doomed title of being "the diabetes capital of the world" with already more than 100 million people with diabetes and many more on the brink of being diabetic. Isn't it high time we try to figure out ways to prevent it, especially type 2 diabetes, and learn how lifestyle changes can lower your risk of getting it?
A person is said to have type 2 diabetes when either his body doesn't produce insulin that's sufficient to manage healthy blood sugars or his body becomes resistant to insulin. Though genetics play a crucial role in this disorder, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, and type 2 is mostly affected by lifestyle factors.
Early diabetes symptoms and pre-diabetic phase
Before one gets diabetic, some signs that may be pre-diabetes symptoms are faced by many. A few symptoms are extreme fatigue, frequent urination, and excessive thirst, which may be a red flag, particularly, if you have diabetes running in your family, are obese, or have a sedentary lifestyle, you are at risk of developing diabetes mellitus. These call for regular blood sugar level check-ups.
One good thing is that even if you're at the threshold of diabetes, with correct interventions you can prevent the onset of diabetes. As you know type 2 diabetes is highly influenced by lifestyle, to prevent or control diabetes changing your way of living would be the key. By shedding a few pounds, consuming healthy foods, and being consistent in doing some form of physical activity, you can lower your risk of developing this disease.
5 Lifestyle changes to lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes
The Big Role of Diet
We all have heard a lot that a healthy diet is vital to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes. A recent update, a balanced plate method, suggested by the American Diabetes Association recommends filling half the part of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter with lean protein, and the rest of the quarter with carbohydrates. Having carbs like whole grains after having vegetables and proteins slows down the absorption of glucose, preventing spikes in blood glucose levels.
Mostly people with diabetes wonder whether they can have fruits with their regular diabetes diet. Although fruits have carbohydrates, they also contain vitamins, minerals, and enough fiber to make them ideal for diabetics just like veggies.
One fruit that's gaining attention in the management of diabetes mellitus is the noni fruit. It has been used in various cultures for its therapeutic properties. It has antioxidants, it is an immunity booster, and even fights tumors. Noni juice benefits in different ways. The studies report relief from arthritis and diabetes after consumption of noni juice. The low glycemic index found in noni juice helps to balance high blood sugar levels.
The Importance of Physical Activity
To lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, besides a balanced diet, regular physical activity brings you closer to your goal. Exercising regularly assists the body in using insulin properly, helping the regulation of blood sugar levels. Obesity is also a notable factor that leads to diabetes. Physical activities aid in losing excess weight and help prevent pre-diabetes from transitioning into diabetes.
Choose any physical activity of your choice, staying active and being consistent is essential in preventing as well as the management of diabetes.
Natural Supplements and Their Role
Now that you have learned about lifestyle changes with the balanced plate method and the importance of physical activities, let's learn how natural remedies help in managing or preventing blood sugar spikes. Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes and herbal supplements focus on natural and plant-based solutions, and Noni D-Care, made with noni fruit juice and active herbs, is one such ayurvedic supplement.
Supplements are usually taken along with regular prescription medicines and any changes are recommended to be made after consultation with a medical healthcare professional.
Managing Stress
Regular stress may lead to the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, which may result in high blood sugar levels. Various stress-relief practices such as yoga, pranayama, and meditation can reduce stress levels, helping control blood sugar. Stress management is often ignored by most, though it is a critical factor in controlling and preventing diabetes.
Sleep is a crucial component and essential for overall health and well-being. Sleep deprivation leads to many health issues including the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So, it's best to get an adequate amount of sleep to prevent and control lifestyle diseases, including type 2 diabetes.
Final Sugary Thoughts
Type 2 diabetes is a serious health condition, but it's not certain that even if you are at risk, you will develop full-blown diabetes. By making mindful choices and lifestyle changes, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, and detecting early signs of pre-diabetes, you can likely prevent or delay the onset of diabetes.