Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices to Beat Diabetes

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices to Beat Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition where your life turns topsy-turvy. Now you have new additions to your routine and your diet goes to a major shake-up. Counting carbs, blood sugar checks, early morning jogs, and whatnot, life starts balancing on a tightrope of dos and don'ts. But don't worry, you can gain the upper hand and change things using the ageless principles of Ayurveda. You don't have to remember tongue-twisting names of herbs or any complex procedure, it's just the ayurvedic lifestyle practices to beat diabetes.

So, let's practice some of the ayurvedic lifestyles and punch the diabetes out of the system!

Food can be your medicine:

Find the right balance with your food. The rule is the same for type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Don't just fill your stomach; have food that fuels your energy and spices up your life.

Bitter is better

Bitter gourd tastes bitter but works as an elixir when dealing with diabetes. It lowers blood sugar, typically when taken in the morning. Yep, that sounds a bit of a brave act but it works!

Spice up

Flavoring your foods isn't the sole role of spices, they are little dynamos of health. Whether it's turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, fenugreek, or ginger, they add flavor to your diabetes diet, double up as anti-inflammatories, and improve insulin sensitivity. They help lower your blood sugar as well.

Routine is not always boring

Routine sounds boring, but it's the mystery tool in Ayurveda. The daily routine called dinacharya keeps your biological clock ticking properly. And for a diabetic, it is the key to manage diabetes.

Good morning

Start with a glass of warm water. If you are comfortable with using lemon, add a dash to your warm water for better digestion. Skip lemon if it gives acidity, and go for Triphala. Triphala keeps your gut healthy and metabolism strong.

Get moving

Moving doesn't mean you have to get treadmills or go to the gym for one. A brisk walk, some yoga stretches, and a bit of Zumba moves at your favorite music is enough to keep your body and system active. It activates your metabolism, helping you shed some pounds, and control blood sugar.

Yoga is not just for Zen masters

Yoga is for everyone. If you are a diabetic, it's just right for you. You don't need to be hyper-flexible. Do it at your own pace, feel relaxed, and let the Yoga do the rest for you.

Sun Greetings

Surya Namaskar, a full body exercise. It has everything that makes each part of your body move. It stimulates your organs including your pancreas, helping win the insulin game.

Let the lungs get fresh air

Breath control exercises like pranayama manage stress, the real culprit that spikes blood sugar levels. It's not only good for diabetes but is best for the heart and overall health.

Make herbs your natural allies

Nature can complement your diabetes treatment. Some well-chosen herbs can make a real impact. There are herbal diabetes medicines that have one or more of these herbs.


The herb Gudmar which translates to “sugar destroyer” blocks sugar absorption and controls sugar cravings.


A natural detoxifier that assists in managing blood glucose levels.


Vijaysar is an anti-diabetic agent. It improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar.


Assists in achieving a good balance in sugar levels. It is also a detoxifying agent.


Some studies show the effect of noni, which is also called amrut fruit, in lowering blood glucose levels if taken in a low dosage. It is a natural health booster.

Relish, don't dig

Eating is also an art. Savor it, don't shovel it. Ayurveda says to eat mindfully, let teeth do the first job, and the rest be done by your gut. Chew peacefully, helping your gut digest and use food better.

Keep your phone down

Swallow down your food instead of scrolling down your phone. Sit, take a deep breath, have gratitude toward your food. TV, phones, and similar types of gadgets may prevent you from keeping track of your food.

See the red flag

Ayurveda recommends not to fill your stomach full. How hard it may seem, but is the perfect way to manage blood sugar. Overeating may spike blood glucose levels, especially if carbohydrates are consumed. It may also be a cause of gaining weight, which is the main risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Cleanse the system

There is a big role of panchakarma in diabetes management. Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, and Raktamokshana are the five processes of panchakarma. They detoxify and, cleanse the system and help balance constitutional doshas. A seasonal cleanse, herbal tea, and good rest do wonders.

Follow the Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Beat Diabetes Naturally

Ayurvedic lifestyle practices are simple, but the challenge lies in being consistent. The focus of Ayurvedic diabetes treatment is not to manage symptoms but to bring back balance and energy to your life. Ayurvedic practices not only help you manage diabetes but also help you lead a normal life.

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